How to Expertly Decorate with 8x10 Rugs
The 8x10 rug is undoubtedly the most popular rug with its famous versatile designs. It's almost perfect for any room you place it in. No matter the space, it always stands out. It's oftentimes the perfect size, not too large to exaggerate the decoration of your space. It’s also not too small to look bizarre. Little wonder many homeowners prefer going for this size of rug.
It comfortably fits into any space, and it’s fairly affordable, depending on where you are ordering it from. You can also get lucky and buy at a discounted price.
Truth is, In a room, most visitors always pick out the beauty of the rug first, before anything. It anchors the space in the room and creates the right mood. You can place an 8x10 rug in the living room, dining room, bedroom and can also place it in your home office, entryway (if you have a large one), and kitchen, depending on the size. Combining an 8x10 rug with a bench and table in any space would certainly make the area polished and more appealing.
Indeed, installing this size of rug in different strategic places, especially where there’s enough room to fit the rug size creates interior décor magic. Everyone loves 8x10 Rugs.
But how exactly does the magic happen? You’ll find out in the next lines.

Decorating with an 8x10 Rug
Use An 8x10 Rug To Define A Room Space
While most homeowners understand the elementary features such as warmth and cushion that rugs give to the feet and protection from the hard surface floor in your place, rugs do much more than that. Area rugs also help build a sense of intimacy, aura, or division in your room. You should not only consider the shape and size of your rug, you need to factor in the size and shape of the room also, for a perfect fit.
Use Different but Complementary Colors

If you’d like to make use of two area rugs because of your large space or just want to uniquely beautify your room. Select two colors of 8x10 rugs that are quite different but complementary. Examples of these types of colors are dark blue coupled with a bright yellow rug. You can already picture that the outcome would be magical and would also brighten the mood of your room.
Use A Rug Pad with Your New 8x10 Rug
To shield your floor from dirt, and keep your rug in shape, it's important to make use of a good quality rug pad. This rug pad will safeguard your floor from spills, dirt, and any other damages that come from the placement of rugs. The rug pad also stabilizes your 8x10 rug from sliding out of its position, keeping the rug in place, even when people walk on them.
Use two Rugs to Beautify a Larger Space
Got a large space but have no idea of what to do or thinking of getting a larger size rug? Box that idea. Instead, use two 8x10 rugs to fill the large space. It will expressly make your room feel inviting. When installing the two rugs in the room, put them a foot apart. This instantly makes the room seem bigger, enhances the view, and makes it feel cozier.
Hang an 8x10 Rug on the Wall
Sounds weird to many designers but it's quite artistic. Decorating your wall by hanging an area rug is an easy way to build a focus point in your room. You can hang it almost anywhere, starting from the back of a sofa. You can even lean it against the furniture or lay across the middle of two chairs just like a tablecloth. Depending on what you imagined your room to look like, you can design it with the area rug to make your room feel more intimate.

...Beautifying Rooms with an 8x10 Rug
For the bedroom, your bed should be centered on the rug. An 8x10 rug is capable of housing a king or a queen-size bed and leaves enough space on the sides of the bed. And if you have a twin bed, put them together side by side, leave some pace in between them, and place the beds on the rug. That would fit in properly.
For additional furniture, like an ottoman or chair anchored to the foot of your bed, make sure to place them on the rug without exceeding its length. You may want to learn more from our guide on Area Rugs Dos and Don'ts . Also, have your 8x10 rug house all your chairs and leave space to make your living room feel cozier. You don't have to place accessories on the rug. Fix them in other areas of the room to avoid littering your rug with items that do not necessarily beautify your space.
There you go! Use one, some, or all these ideas, and watch how an 8x10 rug will help transform your space into an exciting one.