Floral 8064 Oriental Area Rug



Install this elegant 5x7 area rug in your living room as it seamlessly blends with brightly colored spaces and coastal decor designs. It adds a touch of softness, class, and luxury to any space it covers. Here’s a machine-made 5x7 area rug that features blue and gray accent colors, creating a distressed design. It makes a bold statement on every floor it covers. This oriental area carpet, crafted by expert Turkish artisans, is stain-resistant, has anti-dust properties, and is kids and pets friendly. Its medium pile height fits effortlessly under any furniture, provides cushioned comfort for your feet and body, and has sturdy jute backing. It is non-fade, made from premium polypropylene fibers, and does not shed its fibers. Vacuum with a no-beater bar and spot-clean stains with a mild carpet cleaner to keep it in perfect condition.

Actual Dimension: 5 feet 3.1 inches width by 7 feet 2.1 inches length
Actual Dimension: 7 feet 6.8 inches width by 10 feet 8.9 inches length
Actual Dimension: 8 feet 8.6 inches width by 12 feet 2.1 inches length

• Made in Turkey. Machine-woven from 100% polypropylene. Jute backing.
• Non-shedding and non-fading properties. Anti-dust and stain-resistant.
• 0.5-inch-thick rug. Soft synthetic fibers, safe for pets and children.
• Spot clean with a mild carpet cleaner. Vacuum with no-beater bar.
• Lay the rug flat and face down for 2 to 3 days to allow waves or ripples to relax.
• Oriental patterned carpet. Colors and rug dimensions may vary.
• Based on where you are standing, colors may appear darker, lighter, or muted. Brush the fibers with your hand in one direction for your desired effect.