Traditional Oriental Vintage 7080 Area Rug

$50.00 $100.00


This unique Luxe Weavers Traditional Oriental Area Rug 5x7 adds radiance to a drab living space. It features distinctive oriental patterns and color hues that are ideal for various pieces of furniture, decor accessories, and wall art. With its rich appeal, this area rug is perfect as a bedroom rug, living room rug, and dining area rug, giving your living space a delightful and alluring ambiance. It is made from top-quality synthetic fibers and is safe for kids and pets. Install this traditional rug in your dining area, or as a walkway rug, as it performs excellently under high-foot traffic. It comes with a jute backing and adds extra warmth to every space you install it.

Actual Dimension: 5 feet 2.4 inches width by 7 feet 2 inches length
Actual Dimension: 7 feet 9.6 inches width by 10 feet 5 inches length

• Made from 100% Polypropylene. Jute backing. Stain resistant, non-fade, anti-dust, non-shedding.
• Half-inch pile height does not obstruct doors. Safe for kids and pets. Colors and rug dimensions may vary.
• Lay the rug flat and face down for 2 to 3 days to allow waves or ripples to relax.
• Vacuum without a beater bar. Gently spot-clean with a mild carpet cleaner.
• Based on where you are standing, colors may appear darker, lighter, or muted. Brush the fibers with your hand in one direction for your desired effect.