Modern Abstract 943 Area Rug



Use the beautifully loomed Modern Abstract Area Rug to create an eye-catching and stylish ambiance in your living space. It is machine-woven with expertly designed patterns, produced from top-quality polypropylene fibers, that depict grandeur, details, and class. Here’s a half-inch pile rug, crafted by expert Turkish artisans, that has anti-dust properties and is safe for kids and pets. It is stain-resistant and does not shed its fibers. This premium floor cover comes with a sturdy jute backing and is ideal for both low and high-foot-traffic areas of your living space. Install it as a living room rug to impress guests or in your dining area to enhance the mood at dinner. Use this non-fade rug to add extra warmth and cushion to your living space. Vacuum occasionally with a no-beater bar to remove pet hairs and dirt and spot-clean stains with a mild carpet cleaner to keep its colors clean and beautiful.

Actual Dimension: 5 feet 2.4 inches width by 7 feet 2 inches length
Actual Dimension: 7 feet 7.2 inches width by 10 feet 7 inches length

• Made in Turkey. Machine-woven from 100% polypropylene. Jute backing.
• Non-shedding and non-fading properties. Anti-dust and stain-resistant.
• 0.5-inch-thick rug. Soft synthetic fibers, safe for pets and children.
• Spot clean with a mild carpet cleaner. Vacuum with no-beater bar.
• Lay the rug flat and face down for 2 to 3 days to allow waves or ripples to relax.
• Abstract patterned carpet. Colors and rug dimensions may vary.
• Based on where you are standing, colors may appear darker, lighter, or muted. Brush the fibers with your hand in one direction for your desired effect.